Hey Gorgeous!

Let’s make your dating experience feel sparkly and fun ✨

Are you ready to stop wasting time on endless online matches that go no where…

…and instead craving a simple and effective way to actually enjoy the dating process - while finding the partner of your dreams?

Do you want to navigate the apps with excitement and playfulness?

Or maybe ditch the online process completely and happy-dance your way through organically meeting people IRL?

This is NOT out of reach.

It's not a fantasy.

And it's most definitely not "too good to be true."

It was my REALITY when I was dating {I’m off the market now 😉} and is that of many of my clients.

I would LOVE to support you in making it yours.


💎Dating Without Drama💎

AKA: a streamlined, super fun framework to help you savor the process of finding the Mr. Big to your Carrie.

Our next round starts soon! Click below to get on the early access list!

And HEY! I have some gooooood bonuses for the early birds that put a ring on it STAT 💍 {by enrolling within the first week of the doors opening}:

💎 A complimentary Profile Polish - I’ll look over your ACTUAL dating profile {via email} and help you shine it up.

🦚One, private, 30-minute coaching session!

🔮Access to my Woman of Your Own Dreams Masterclass, where you’ll learn how to live into the BEST, most authentic version of you.

Hi! I’m Allison

And I’m your dating fairy godmother 🧚🏻‍♀️

So what qualifies me to help you make dating the BEST experience ever?

Great question!

I'm a certified life and relationship coach {and physician anesthesiologist too!}.

After a tumultuous first marriage and bitter divorce, I figured out the keys to dating without drama. 🔑

My dating years were some of my FAVORITE, and lead me to the partner of my dreams {that I'm now married to! 💃} without...

🙅🏽‍♀️ agonizing over what people were thinking about me

🙅🏼‍♀️wasting time on f*ck boys, lol

🙅🏻‍♀️spending hours swiping on apps only to have those "matches" go down a dead-end road

🙅🏾‍♀️lingering in relationships that didn't serve me

🙅‍♀️settling for anything less than what I truly wanted

…and instead with pure joy and excitement about this relatively-short and magical chapter of my life.

Oh, and did I mention that I was a single-mom that used to think that finding an amazing partner just wasn't in the cards for me?

Or that I had an insanely busy career and erratic schedule that seemed incompatible with the efforts I thought were needed for dating?

Yet, I unlocked the secrets to make dating feel like a DELIGHT instead of a drag, and I look back on that period of time with so much fondness and love.

It might surprise you to learn that my confidence around dating did NOT come naturally to me at first.

I didn't think I had what it took to attract good, loving men into my life because -

💔I had gone through two majorly devastating breakups in the past few years

🧳I thought having 3 kids with no coparent in sight would be seen as baggage

🩺I was scared that men would be intimidated by my career, or that I wouldn’t have enough time to spend on developing a new relationship

Bottom line?

Enjoying the process of dating and making it work for me was NOT always second nature…

…which is why I can help ANYONE with a genuine desire to have the best dating experience ever. I can teach you how to truly enjoy the journey on your way to your soulmate. 💗 Because if it's not fun, what are we doing?!

So what EXACTLY is included in this one-month intensive?

💻 The complete, 6-module Dating Without Drama curriculum, outlined below

🖊️A luxurious, digital workbook to help you crystallize your learning

🎧3 yummy guided meditations that you can listen to on repeat

👯‍♀️Weekly, LIVE group coaching calls on Zoom, where you can get personalized support on anything you’re working on in your dating life

💅Replays of the group coaching calls for you to review later at your leisure

🤩Lifetime access to all course materials {this isn’t Rent The Runway- you bought it, you got it!}

🥂A complimentary invitation to EVERY SINGLE future round of the group coaching program. You'll automatically receive an email with the call schedule so keep an eye out. Join us for coaching on whatever is going on in your love life. And when {yes, WHEN} you're coupled up, you can still hop on the calls to share some inspiration with your new Dating Without Drama sisters! This program is literally the gift that keeps on giving.

Course outline:

•Lesson 1: The why + why not - Let’s get clear on your exact reasons for dating and the issues that have been holding you back.

•Lesson 2: The who - It all starts with you baby! 😍 Who do you want to be as you navigate the dating world and all of your future relationships?

•Lesson 3: The what - You have to know what you deeply desire in order to call it into your life! Here you will create your vision for the partner you want to attract.

•Lesson 4: The where - Are you diving into the apps? Looking only to meet people in the wild? 🐆 Not sure where to even start with this whole dating thing? I’ve got you. 😉

•Lesson 5: The how - Let’s get down to the nitty gritty, shall we? I’m teaching you HOW to do this dating thing, from writing your dating profile to chatting up the hot guy at the supermarket and everything in between.

•Lesson 6: Playtime! - Now that you are ready to test the dating waters with all of your newfound clarity, go forth and enjoy. I’m sharing my best tips for handling rejection, having tough conversations and sifting through alllll of the noise to find your person. 💘

💵The Investment:

A single payment of $297 🤯

Get on the early access list NOW, because you do NOT want to miss the next round, coming soon.

The Dating Without Drama experience will help you...

- Feel more confident, optimistic and excited about dating.

- Attract a FLOOD of awesome, aligned potential partners.

- View the challenges that arise in your dating life less as obstacles and more as the sign posts that point you closer and closer to your person.

- Speaking of finding your person, you'll become magnetic to the Derek to your Meredith and start repelling all the men that just want another mommy. Dating will feel less like a frustrating hamster wheel and more like a delicious quest.

- The relationship you have with yourself will deepen, your confidence will strengthen and the potency of your connections will be undeniable.

- You'll wake up excited to check your texts, because you'll have real AF suitors sending a good morning message to you and only you. AKA: your days of wasting time with players and shady characters are DONE.

- Dating will feel like an expansive PLAYGROUND that you get to enjoy as you attract the partner of your dreams.

- You'll start to feel deep peace around your dating life, because you're clear on exactly who you are and what you want, and you know that finding the Cory to your Topanga is INEVITABLE. ➡️ Meaning: You are no longer glued to your phone in case that one guy that keeps ghosting you texts again. You aren't obsessing about whether you will ever find your person, because your calendar is full of dates with people you're actually excited about. You simply KNOW that this path is leading you to the love of your life.


  • What is the format of Dating Without Drama?

    This program is a 1-month intensive that combines a fully self-paced video course and workbook + 4 live group coaching calls.

    There are six, 10-15-minute, pre-recorded learning modules, an accompanying workbook and three guided meditations. You will have lifetime access to all program materials.

    The group coaching calls happen weekly on zoom and recordings will be available.

  • What type of person is this program best suited for?

    Dating Without Drama is for all my high-achieving single ladies that have their careers locked in and are ready to find an amazing partner to match. It’s for any woman that wants to have a fabulous dating experience and learn how to truly enjoy the process of finding her person.

  • I’m pretty fresh from a breakup - will this course work for me?

    Absolutely! I have BEEN THERE, sister. I know how hard it is to get back out there after the end of a relationship. This program starts with the foundation of your relationship with YOU, so it’s the perfect compliment to any healing you’ve already done around your breakup or divorce.

  • Am I going to be way older/younger than everyone else I’m the program?

    Every round has a different mix of women, but when it comes to dating, we have so much common ground, no matter what age we are. I have worked with a wide range of women, and I have my own wide range of experiences that allow me to support you at any stage of life. Whether you are in your early 20s and ready to get married or in mid-life or later and looking for love again, I’ve got you.

  • Do I have to use online dating apps to participate?

    Nope - you do you, baby! Apps are optional. Dating Without Drama can help you get up the confidence to test the apps out ONLY if you want to. If apps are a hard pass for you, no worries at all. You’ll learn how to have the time of your life dating “in real life” and get lots of ideas about how to meet people organically.

  • I have kids. Is this program appropriate for me?

    Yes, mama! I’ve got 3 myself. I know exactly how to navigate the complexities of finding the time and childcare to date, introducing new people into your children’s lives if/when you're ready and so much more.

  • Will I get personalized attention and feedback from you?

    Yes! Our weekly group coaching sessions are designed for exactly that purpose. You can ask for coaching and support around any and every topic you can think of when it comes to dating. You also have the option to add 2 private 1:1 coaching sessions to the program if desired. Click HERE to claim your seat.

  • Group coaching sounds scary! Isn’t it weird to talk about dating with strangers?

    I hear you! If you’ve never experienced group coaching, the idea can be a little daunting at first. But here’s why I love group coaching so much:

    -You get to be surrounded by other women going through similar things, and that collective support is PRICELESS. Many women even form life-long friendships during group coaching experiences!

    -There is SO much benefit to watching another person get coached. Even if their issue is different than yours, there’s always something that you can take from the coaching they receive. And - it can be easier to learn from the experiences of others. When you’re not the one IN it, you have a more neutral perspective and can really take in the learning.

  • How much time will this program take?

    The course runs for one calendar month at a time. During that month, there will be four, hour-long coaching calls that you can attend live and/or watch on replay. For the self-paced portion of the course, I recommend that you schedule a total of 1 hour per week to complete 2 video modules and the corresponding workbook activities. You have lifetime access to the course materials, so you can go at your own speed!

  • How long will I have access to the content?

    You get lifetime access to the course videos, meditations and workbooks! And, you will automatically be invited to participate FOR FREE in all future rounds of the live group program. Keep an eye on your email for the invitation to join us - I'll send it each time I run a new live session!

  • When do the live coaching calls take place?

    Coaching calls will vary by week. There will generally be 2 evening calls, 1 late morning/early afternoon call and 1 weekend call {pacific time}. The monthly schedule will be published by the 1st of the month.

  • What if I can’t attend the live calls?

    While its’s always amazing to be in the group energy, it’s not a problem at all if you can’t attend live. Call recordings will be emailed to you within 24 hours. If you have a question you’d like coaching on and know you can’t make it to the next call, you can send it to me via email at [email protected] and I’ll answer it on the call!

  • When will I get access to the course materials?

    All course materials will be available to you immediately upon purchase! 🎉 The monthly coaching call schedule will be available on the first of the month - our next round starts in starts soon, so make sure to get on the early access list by clicking below. You'll want to be the first to know when enrollment opens - trust me.

  • 1 month goes by fast! What if I want more?

    While I’ve designed this 1-month intensive to give you EXACTLY what you need to have a super awesome dating experience, you definitely might crave more time or more personalized support, or both! You will automatically be invited to ALL future rounds of Dating Without Drama - so you can attend any of the group calls I offer in the program...forever! If 1:1 coaching is what you desire, you can click HERE to add on 2 private calls to this program. 💋

  • What is your refund policy?

    I want to give the people what they want! I will assess refunds on a case-by-case basis.

Dating Without Drama

isn't just a group coaching program...

...it's a transformative experience.

Your energy + my energy + the collective group energy...

...all focused on one SPECIFIC intention:

To take the drama out of dating and make it feel delightful.

Take a moment to imagine logging into your dating app and seeing an inbox full of genuine conversations {and ZERO unsolicited d*ck pics}.

Picture fabulous dates where you skip all the superficial small talk, because the people you attract are truly on your level.

Feel a sensation of joy and ease about dating, because you know exactly how to savor the process of finding your person.

See yourself a few years from now, looking back on your dating era with so much fondness and peace, because you learned to relish the journey instead of rushing it.

And envision your life with the most amazing partner at your side. One that really gets you and connects with you on all levels.

This outcome is not a fantasy.

It's a foreshadowing...

...of a future that's inevitable if you desire and choose it.

Want to soak up this reality and snap it into your NOW?

I want that for you too.

And - what you want wants you back. ❤️‍🔥

Dating Without Drama is for you. 😘